Oral Hygiene Habits to Develop in 2024

What are your goals for the new year? If you don’t have any yet, now is the time to consider making 2024 the year you improve your oral hygiene habits.

As your dentist in Onalaska, WI, the professionals at Valley Dental are here to help you take good care of your teeth. We’re happy to answer your questions and help you develop good oral hygiene habits. Below are a few suggestions we can offer for ways to improve your oral hygiene.

Time Your Toothbrushing

You’re supposed to brush your teeth for two minutes each time you brush. If you haven’t been doing that, now is the time to start. If you use an electric toothbrush, your toothbrush should time how long you take to brush your teeth. If your toothbrush is a manual toothbrush, then you’ll need to use an app or the timer on your phone to brush your teeth.

Visit the Dentist Twice Annually

Did you visit the dentist twice in 2023? If not, then 2024 should be the year you start seeing the dentist every six months. Seeing the dentist every six months is a good way to keep the tartar and plaque off your teeth. Your dentist can also help you avoid conditions like gum disease.

Address Your Dental Risks

Some conditions (like diabetes) and lifestyle choices (like smoking) can put your teeth at risk. Knowing your risks and what you can do to protect yourself is important. Next time you’re at the dentist’s office, ask the dentist if you’re at risk for any dental conditions and, if so, what you can do to take care of your teeth. Start implementing those changes in 2024 to reduce your risk of developing a dental condition.

Do you need a dental appointment in Onalaska, WI? If so, call Valley Dental today to get your appointment on the schedule.

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